Peanut - Cotton

The Peanut/Cotton InfoNet provides crop management information, updated daily during the growing season, to provide county agents and growers with the latest information at the beginning of each work day.
Choose the location(s) you want to see and Click "enter"
Show Location
Suffolk - Holland - Hare Road
Isle of Wight - Smithfield - Longview Dr
Surry - Blount - Alliance Rd
Show Location
Southampton - Capron
Greensville - Skippers
Sussex - Waverly
Number of Days to Display

Frost Advisories

For up-to-date information on peanut diseases in the region and disease management
recommendations visit:

The data and information available here include:
Contacts: David Langston and Linda Byrd-Masters
Reference: Tidewater Agricultural Research & Extension Center Info. Series No. 377, Aug. 1997
Code version 2.0 updated 25 April 2000
Generated 27-Jul-2024 by InfoNet v 2.0
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